Circumstances is the circus and dance company under the artistic leadership of Piet Van Dycke. Circumstances develops, produces and distributes wordless, impactful circus and dance performances, in which Piet works as a choreographer with circus performers. Piet always creates in/for/with different circumstances: location and/or theatre performances from different circus disciplines, with children/young people/elderly people, for different target groups.
Piet Van Dycke graduated as a choreographer from the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg in 2018. Since then, he has worked as a dance and circus maker, performer, coach and teacher at various arts organisations (fABULEUS, dOFt, Cie Woest, LAP, TeaTime company...).
He will develop his choreographic signature in the coming years at PLAN - a development platform in Brabant (NL). He will research 'transformation': the transformation of space (EXIT - 2022) and the transformation of the body (GLORIOUS BODIES - 2023)
Piet Van Dycke creates a mix of contemporary circus and dance. This results in playful performances that stand out because of the original use of space, objects and bodies.