
Hanne Vandersteen en Mahlu Mertens laten zich in hun creaties omringen door gastartiesten
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KORROL (in creatie)
Murmur (2019)
Plock! (2017)

Previous work

Tussen de regels (2020)

Grensgeval (Bordercase) makes circus performances with and/or for children and youngsters. The company takes the child's intuition and phantasy as a starting point to deal with adult themes. In the productions these themes are placed into a new, consciously naive logic, mixed up with a dose of anarchy and punk.

The productions of Grensgeval are sensory: circus performances that do not only appeal to the eye, but also to the ear, nose, and even the skin and the mouth in order to create a new experience.

Grensgeval believes in the cross-fertilization between disciplines and always strives for a performance that operates on the borders and for every production the company cooperates with artists from other disciplines. Each artist brings his/her own experience to the floor to explore where their languages can meet and amplify each other. They surprise, inspire, and disrupt each other in order to create a fresh and new performance language and logic.