In Glorious Bodies, choreographer Piet Van Dycke invites to the stage six acrobats all aged between 55 and 67 and all with a past in (more or less) classical circus. This physical and intimate creation is about how much our bodies can carry, about seeing and being seen, about the boundary between classical and contemporary circus. Circus history archived in the human body.
Ageing is still a taboo subject in our society and certainly within the circus world. Just like elite athletes, most acrobats stop training intensively after a certain age. In what ways do those glorious bodies transform? As a human being, can one ever really make peace with one’s own body? Is it possible to be in complete harmony with it? In its own special way, Glorious Bodies draws attention to the process of ageing – a process that is happening to all of us at this very moment.
The performance is based around partner acrobatics and movement with a focus on the road travelled, the physical war of attrition, the process of trial and error. We observe the search for the physical limits, the power of failure, the contrast between what we want and what we are capable of as individuals. Glorious Bodies dismantles clichés surrounding the older generation. A show about the power of the ageing body.